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Bébé rampant


I write your products and brands, as well as blog articles in the field of childcare and baby care. I highlight your product / service in compliance with official regulations (compulsory mentions). Powdered milk, cereals, but also pacifier, bottle, draws milk : get precise and attractive product descriptions. I had the opportunity to write about many brands : DodieMustela, OlvaritGalliaHippNovalac, Noukie's...

Please note that all texts below are in French. 


Writing a blog textof 2500 words on the baby's cold and its solutions.

snuggly Teddy

Description of a category of baby products: hot water bottle-cuddly toy.

dodie logo.png

Writing a text ofbrandand product description sheets from the catalog.

Gallia logo.png

Writing product description sheets and brand text.

olvarit logo.png

Writing product description sheets and brand text.

noukies logo.png

Writing of several product sheets on soft toys (canonicalization).

Univers de bébé: Services


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