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Image de Elsa Olofsson


Writing about products, brands and ranges of dietary supplements was part of my daily life for two years. I am able to write this type of texts while respecting the current regulations, in order to avoid allegations (nuances in the subject, mandatory mentions).

Please note that all articles below are in French. 


Writing a text of brand, 6 sheets of product description and a text from blog.

codifra logo.png

Writing a text ofbrandand of16 records of product description.



Writing a text ofbrand and of5 sheetsof product description. 


Writing a text ofcategoryon the brand's food supplements for hair (

Informing myself carefully about each product, brand and range is only part of my job. Wishing to share the most relevant information possible, it is not uncommon for me to also make additional research on actives and components complements. Finally, I do not hesitate to make mesh between product sheets, ranges and brand pages. I thus facilitate the navigation of the Internet user, while supporting the natural growth of the website.

Compléments alimentaires: Services


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